Wednesday, August 9, 2017

How To Deal With Your TBR

I have decided that, as someone who has added 716 books to their TBR in 2017 alone, that I am somehow qualified to give recommendations about how to deal with that daunting mountain of books that must be read. So, without further ado, this is how I manage my TBR (Do not be like me)

  1. Create Your TBR
    • I feel like this goes without saying, but if you are struggling on finding books to read I would recommend going on Goodreads and spending exorbitant amounts of time scrolling through lists containing the best books of 2016, 2015, 2014, etc. as well as those handy recommendations on your homepage sidebar. I would recommending getting at least 100 books to start with because who wants to be reasonable?
  2. Locate Books
    • The library is a great resource, unless you become one of those people who always puts in interlibrary loan requests and then feels slightly judged. Or if you are one of those people who maxes out their hold requests because their library has the 1st and the 3rd book but not the second? Why... eBooks are great, and physical copies are WONDERFUL but expensive and also then you have "too many books" which is ridiculous but anyway...
  3. Start Reading
    • Because you are a diligent, committed reader who is going to read all those books like planned and nothing is going to get in your-- ooo look recommendations!
  4. Add More Books
    • That book looks good! So does that one! I really did like that author's other books, I'll add this one too...
  5. Retrieve Your TBR Books
    • This involves a 20+ minute drive for me (depending on traffic) which means I'll put 10 books on hold (the maximum allowed) and then go pick them all up at once...
  6. "Just Look" at the Other Books
    • It can't hurt, right?
  7. Come Home With 10 More Books Than Planned
    • It's fine, your TBR wasn't that long anyway
  8. Write a TBR List
  9. Lose TBR List
  10. Forget You Have a TBR
  11. Write a TBR List 
    • In a notebook this time. Notebooks are harder to lose!
  12. Lose TBR Notebook
  13. Find TBR Notebook
  14. Read TBR Books
    • Preferably in a random, nonsensical and illogical order
  15. Repeat Steps 2-14 Endlessly
  16. Stress
    • About how long your TBR is and how you will read all these books before you die
This post is a joke by the way, I would NOT recommend this approach to reading. I've just seen a lot of posts about TBRs recently and figured I would give some "helpful" advice because my approach has totally worked so far.

How do you approach your TBR?


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