Title: Dead Girls Society
Author: Michelle Krys
Rating: 2/5 Stars
Series: N/A
This book was not my favorite. I didn’t have super high expectations for the book based on the first couple of pages that I had read but I figured that it was worth a shot. A quick disclaimer though: I’m not sure that there was necessarily anything wrong with the book, I think it just might have been geared towards a different (younger) age group, and I was just the wrong reader for it. However, I really did like the premise of the book, just not the execution.
+ The idea behind the book was actually a pretty good one. Secret society coerces players into participating in these “dares," with certain consequences to follow should you not follow the rules. I think that’s actually a really cool idea, I just didn’t like how it was carried out.
+ The suspense was actually pretty good, and it successfully confused the heck out of me trying to figure out who the Society was. It wasn’t one of those books where you just know that so-and-so is the one behind everything because it’s so obvious. It ruins books (and movies) for me when that happens, because isn’t the whole purpose of the book to figure out who committed the crime?
+ It was a pretty quick read. This may have been because it was so short but at least I didn’t have to drag myself through it like I had to for a certain trilogy…
+ I actually kinda cared about what happened to the characters and how the story ended
- I felt like the writing was meant for a younger age group, maybe junior high level? I just felt like it wasn’t up to par with recent books that I had read. It just felt a little…simplistic.
- I also felt like the plot was a little simplistic as well. I can’t exactly describe it but I just felt like it was more surface level? I didn’t feel super drawn into the story or anything like that.
- The cliffhanger at the end, because to the best of my knowledge a) there isn’t a book 2 and b) if there is a book 2 I probably won’t read it but will have to deal with this cliffhanger…
- Certain events that should have been really important were just kinda glossed over and I really didn’t like that. Almost like a plot hole filler?
This book really wasn’t for me, but I think it was more of a wrong-reader type issue than anything else. I know a lot of people seemed to really like it, so I think it was mostly that I was just the wrong audience for this book. However, I definitely won’t be reading any future books in this series if it becomes one.
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